Unsere Gruppe

Wir sind eine informelle Gruppe von drei Familienbaumschulen, die eine gemeinsame Marke aufbauen.

Das älteste der Unternehmen – PLANTIN (ehemals Ogrodnicze Tadeusz Kusibab, seit 1981 auf dem Markt und seit 2018 PLANTIN sp.z o.o.sp.k.) befasst sich mit Pflanzenmikrovermehrung (d.h. Pflanzenvermehrung unter Verwendung der in-vitro-Kulturtechnik). Plantin bietet vorwiegend Pflanzen in Multiplatten nur in großen Mengen für die weitere Baumschulproduktion und ein kleines Sortiment im p9-Topf an.

Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Aleksandra Kusibab-Wyka (Gründungsjahr 2007) und Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Waganowice (Gründungsjahr 2010) sind Schwesterunternehmen, die etwas ältere Pflanzen anbieten (in Töpfen von P9 bis C3).

Alle von unseren Firmen angebotenen Pflanzen haben ihren Ursprung im in-vitro-Kulturlabor, das sich bei PLANTIN befindet. Wir produzieren Obstpflanzen wie Heidelbeere, Kamtschatka-Heckenkirsche, Brombeere mit großen Früchten, Himbeere, Felsenbirnen, Apfelbeere sowie Zierpflanzen: Rhododendren, Azaleen, Lorbeerrosen, Kirschen, Birken.

Unsere Vorteile

The quality of plants

Producing and selling the best quality plants is the highest priority of the in vitroKusibab Group and that is why we constantly invest in research. Every year PLANTIN orders special tests to examine and confirm the general health of plants on offer by our companies. Thanks to them we are certain that the plants propagated by us are free from viruses and examined paying special attention to the varietal identity and purity.

The plant samples for tests are collected and marked by trained personnel


the Blueberry tests conducted at the Horticulture Department of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland


the Blueberry tests conducted at the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice, Poland

regularly since 2007

the Blueberry tests conducted at the Agdia Incorporated, USA


the Blueberry tests conducted at the Centre for Certified Nursery Stock in Prusy, Poland

regularly since 2013

the Blueberry tests conducted at the Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection in Krakow, Poland

regularly since 2019

the Blueberry tests conducted at the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice, Poland


We examine whether the Blueberry plant samples contain the following viruses:

  • Blueberry leaf mottle virus
  • Blueberry scorch virus
  • Blueberry shock virus
  • Blueberry shoestring virus
  • Peach rosette mosaic virus
  • Tobacco ringspot virus
  • Tomato ringspot virus
  • Blueberry red ringspot virus (since 2019)
  • Blueberry mosaic associated virus (since 2019)
  • Blueberry witches broom phytoplasma (since 2020)
  • Blueberry stunt phytoplasma (since 2020)

Since 2014 we have also been examining mother plants of the raspberry and blackberry varieties originated from the PLANTIN insect proof tents. The Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice, as ordered by our company, conducts the Elisa and RT-PCR tests to confirm the absence of viruses in our plants.

The plant samples for tests are collected and marked by trained personnel

regularly since 2014

the varieties of the raspberry and blackberry tests conducted at the Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice, Poland


the raspberry and blackberry tests conducted at the Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection in Krakow, Poland


We examine whether the raspberry and blackberry plant samples contain the following viruses:

  • Raspberry vein chlorosis virus;
  • Raspberry yellow net virus;
  • Raspberry leaf spot virus;
  • Raspberry leaf mottle virus;
  • Blackberry necrosis virus;
  • Raspberry leaf blotch virus,
  • Apple mosaic virus;
  • Raspberry bushy dwarf virus;
  • Cucumber mosaic virus;
  • phytoplasma


Expertise and experience gained over the years in the horticulture business is reflected in the quality of plants produced by us.

PLANTIN (formerly Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Tadeusz Kusibab) is the eldest in the in-vitro Kusibab Group and has been on the market since 1981!

The beginnings of the in vitro propagation go back to 1978 when Tadeusz Kusibab (PLANTIN co-owner) commenced the first attempts at propagating orchids. In 1981, the laboratory started propagating the rhododendrons which became leading products for many consecutive years.

A thorough expertise and gaining new experience in the field of the in vitro propagation, plant nurturing, fertilization, irrigation, etc. and implementation of new technologies have allowed us to thrive on the market for almost 40 years now!

Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Aleksandra Kusibab-Wyka and Marcin Wyka, which most of all deals with the Highbush Blueberry in p9 to C3 pots, originated in 2007. Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Waganowice Paulina Kusibab-Popowicz and Mirosław Popowicz, which most of all deals with the sale of Blueberry in p9 pots, originated in 2010. From the very beginning all the three companies have been cooperating with one another and recently they have joined their marketing efforts and created a group of the in-vitro Kusibab producers.

We supplement one another (offering plants of different height) and are building a joint brand.

A many-year long expertise, presently handed over to a younger generation, is a guarantee of high quality of plants on our offer.

A wide range of products on offer

We constantly broaden the range of plant varieties on our offer, looking for new varieties which can meet the expectations of the developing market.

Presently the PLANTIN laboratory propagates 300–400 taxa.

The berry plants, especially the Highbush Blueberry and the Honeysuckle (Haskap), but also raspberries, serviceberries and chokeberries belong to the leading varieties. We also propagate ornamental varieties such as rhododendrons, azaleas, kalmias and cherry trees.

Based on a many-year long experience in numerous plant genera we are open to propagate new varieties entrusted to us by our clients.

Unser Labor

In-vitro-Reproduktion - die Technologie unserer Zeit und Zukunft

Die Produktion unserer Pflanzen beginnt unter besonderen, kontrollierten Bedingungen – im In-vitro-Kulturlabor (d.h. „in Glas“). Das Wesen von In-vitro-Kulturen besteht darin, das Pflanzenwachstum auf kontrollierte Weise zu beschleunigen. Mit sorgfältig ausgewählten Wachstumsregulatoren stimulieren wir das Wachstum von Pflanzen (z. B. Verwurzeln oder Wachstum von Seitenknospen). Jungpflanzen, die unter sterilen Bedingungen wachsen, haben optimale Wachstums- und Entwicklungsbedingungen. Angemessene Beleuchtung, richtig ausgewählte Nährstoffzusammensetzung, spezifische Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit ermöglichen es, den Reproduktionsprozess erheblich zu beschleunigen.

Ende 2018 wurde im Sitz von PLANTIN in Krakau ein neues Labor eröffnet. Das Gebäude mit einer Fläche von 625 m2 und 15 Produktionsstationen wurde mit moderner Technologie ausgestattet, um die Produktion von Pflanzen zu verbessern. Wir haben ungefähr 400 Taxa von Pflanzen in unseren Ressourcen, die jederzeit zur Wiederaufnahme der Produktion bereit sind. Jährlich werden ca. 30-40 neue Taxa eingeführt und für eine mögliche kommerzielle Nutzung vorbereitet.

Nächste Stufe unserer Produktion ist die Akklimatisierung von Pflanzen unter Decken und deren allmähliche Stärkung. Während dieses Prozesses werden Pflanzen mit dem Wachsen in Mehrfachtöpfe und dann in immer größere Behälter umgepflanzt.

[ Galeria ukryta do czasu dostarczenia zdjęć ]