
Plants are sold only in bulk in the following size and quantities:


Material: PVC
  • Dimensions:
    30 cm x 53 cm x 2,5 cm
  • Number of plants per variety in a plug-tray:
    360 plants per variety
  • The assortment in the M-360 is available on request and only in wholesale quantities (over 5 000 per variety)


Material: PVC
  • Dimensions:
    30 cm x 53 cm x 2,5 cm
  • Number of plants per variety in a plug-tray:
    264 plants per variety
  • The assortment in the M-264 is available on request and only in wholesale quantities (over 5 000 per variety)


Pot material: EPS
  • Dimensions:
    31 cm x 53 cm x 4,5 cm
  • Number of plants per variety in a plug-tray:
    90 plants per variety​
  • Plant height:
    8-15 cm


Pot material: PVC
  • Dimensions:
    53 cm x 31 cm x 8 cm
  • Number of plants per variety in a plug-tray:
    84 plants per variety​
  • Plant height:
    15-25 cm


Pot material: PVC, EPS
  • Dimensions:
    31 cm x 52 cm x 7 cm
  • Number of plants per variety in a plug-tray:
    60 plants per variety​
  • Plant height:
    8-15 cm


Pot material: PVC
  • Dimensions:
    31 cm x 53 cm x 6 cm
  • Number of plants per variety in a plug-tray:
    40 plants per variety​
  • Plant height:
    15-50 cm

P9 (0,5 l)

Pot material: PVC
  • Dimensions:
    9 cm x 9 cm x 10 cm
  • Plant height:
    25-35 cm

P11 (1 l)

Pot material: PVC
  • Dimensions:
    11 cm x 11 cm x 12 cm
  • Plant height:
    30-45 cm

C1,5 (1,5 l)

Pot material: PVC
  • Dimensions:
    15 cm x 12 cm
  • Plant height:
    30-45 cm

C2 (2 l)

Pot material: PVC
  • Dimensions:
    ⌀ = 16 cm, h = 13,5 cm
  • Plant height:
    30-45 cm

The above offer is of information character only and cannot be considered as a trade offer pursuant to Art. 66, §1 of the Civil Code and other appropriate regulations of law.

Orders are completed once the plant collection time has been agreed!

Plant Bank

Within the space of the last 40 years of working with the in-vitro cultures, we have collected in our bank a substantial number of taxons which can be restored to cultivation at any time.
Our ornamental plants include:
  • Azalea
  • Birch
  • Davidia
  • Hydrangea
  • Kalmia (Mountain Laurel)
  • Lilac
  • Paulownia
  • Rose
  • Rhododendron
  • Serviceberry, Saskatoon
  • Sour Cherry
Our fruit plants include:
  • Chokeberry
  • Berry
  • Lingonberry (Cowberry)
  • Blue Honeysuckle (Haskap)
  • Blackberry
  • Actinidia
  • Raspberry
  • Mulberry
  • Redcurrant
  • Ornamental Plum
  • Serviceberry, Saskatoon
  • Sour Cherry
  • Cranberry


Blue Honeysuckle (Haskap)

Since 2015, the Plantin company has been operating a haskap berry plantation

Our offer boasts both Haskap fresh fruit and its processed products.

You are interested in?

The possibilities are endless: frozen foods, jams, wines, flavored beers, freeze-dried and many more.
We are flexible – contact us!


Fruit – HASKAP

The prices do not include VAT and transport costs. Transport cost are set individually.The prices do not include VAT and transport costs. Transport cost are set individually.


Our publishing offer, which includes professional publications promoting selected groups of useful plants important for horticulture:

Cena: 50.00 PLN
Price: 15,00 €
The price does not include transport costs - they are set individually.

“Fascynujące kalmie”
(“Fascinating Kalmie”)
Julia Westhoff, Karl-Heinz Hübbers
ISBN: 978-83-956964-0-4

“Fascinating Kalmie” is the first, not only in Polish dendrological literature, such extensive publication devoted to the genus Kalmia. “Until now, the only comprehensive work devoted to this species was the English-language publication by Dr. Richard A. Jaynes from the United States … The popularity and number of cultivars of kalmia is increasing significantly, which motivated a group of European lovers and breeders of kalmia to create an up-to-date publication.”

The book shows the decorative values of these plants, introduces the cultivation requirements, and shows the possibilities of integrating them into the garden. Professional descriptions of types of kalmia with beautiful photos and a catalog of numerous varieties make this publication unique! A position worth recommending to a wide range of readers, from dendrologists and growers-gardeners to amateurs – home garden owners.

The book is published in Polish language. Available soon in English.

Price: 20,00 €
The price does not include transport costs - they are set individually.

“Różaneczniki i azalie”
(“Rhododendrons and Azaleas”)
Hanna Grzeszczak-Nowak, Piotr Muras
ISBN: 978-83-925110-7-6

The book contains descriptions of over 110 species, subspecies and botanical varieties of the Rhododendron group, which are in the collections of botanical gardens and arboretums, and in the collections of private collectors in Poland. Numerous descriptions (the publication presents nearly 850 varieties of rhododendrons and azaleas), illustrated with color photos (843 pcs.) Of these plants.

The readability of the descriptions of the varieties is enhanced by pictograms containing the most important information presented in a graphic form. For each variety, the height of the plant, flowering date, position and cultivation requirements, frost resistance zone and additional information about the specific characteristics of the variety, e.g. aromatic flowers, are given.

The index at the back of the book helps you navigate through this item efficiently.

The book is published in Polish language.