- Russian variety bred at the research station FGUP Bakcharskoye Rosselhozakademii, District of Tomsk, 2010.
- Grows moderately into a bush 150 cm high and 190 cm wide, boasts average compact habit.
- Bears jug-shaped fruits which usually weigh 1.4 g (max 1.8 g), are unidimentional with blunt ends; they display dark violet, almost dark hue with a strong waxy bloom and are hard; in taste its berries are extremely sweet, good for desserts and deep freezing (after de-freezing, its sugar content does not drop); they boast rather not hard skin, moderately transport tolerant.
- According to observations carried out on our plantation in Muniakowice (Małopolska), the fruit ripening period falls, depending on the weather, from the first to the third week of June.
- Good for both mechanical and manual harvesting, they rather do not drop off but during harvesting easily get off their stems; Yugana’s fruits ripen at the same time.
- Usually one bush gives 3.5 kg (max 6.5 kg) of fruits; on average this variety yields a crop of 11.5 t/ha (max 21.4 t/ha).
- In Muniakowice, (in our nursery) since June 2014 and in Bakchar (Siberia), we have conducted annual examinations for the sugar content in the Blue Honeysuckle berries. The maximum sugar content revealed in those tests equalled 21°Bx (Brix).
- To obtain a good crop, several different varieties should be planted one next to another (to enable cross pollination): the following varieties are especially recommended: ‘Docz’ Velikana’, ‘Strezhevchanka’, ‘Vostorg’ and ‘Bakczarskij Velikan’.
- We possess a license for propagating this variety, granted to us by FGUP Bakcharskoye Rosselhozakademii.