• The first Purple Plum variety resistant to plum pox, a devastating viral disease also known as sharka.
  • Probably a mutant of the German Zimmer Purple Plum.
  • A moderately strong grower (in soils category IV and on a slowly growing stock of the Wagenheim Purple Plum seedling): recommended space requirements are: 4.0m x 2.0-2.5m, tree planting: 1,000-1,250 trees/ha
  • Its fruits in shape resemble those of the Purple Plum and are slightly bigger than the fruits of the European, also known as Common, plum (Prunus domestica); they display navy blue skin covered with a beautiful greyish-blue waxy bloom, their pulp is greenish-yellow and comes away from stone; on average the fruit weighs about 25g; they ripen in mid-August, boast extremely good flavour and most of all can be enjoyed raw but are also excellent as the main ingredients for cakes and pastries, good for preserves, as candied fruits and for making plum vodka.
  • High yielding, gives fruits every year, in a full fruit bearing season can give a crop over 30kg from a tree.
  • In 2021, the variety was entered into the national register – entry number in the legal protection book S 261.

Plum pox, also known as sharka, is the most devastating viral disease which has not been managed up to date; the only way to manage the disease is to destroy all infected trees. The fruits from the infected trees are misshapen and blemished, they cannot be enjoyed raw and are not good for preserves including making plum vodka.