- A thornless, patented blackberry cultivar bred at the Oregon State University, USA.
- A vigorous grower with lateral sprouts shorter than those in the ‘Chester Thornless’; develops strong fruit bearing sprouts; nevertheless, they require supports.
- An early variety (usually 50% of its berries ripen about 12 July); produces dark shiny and firm fruits which stay fresh long after harvesting; an individual berry weighs mostly 7.6 g – ideal for the fresh fruit market, they boast balanced sweet and sour flavour, rather resistant to damage from heat/light.
- High yielding (on average bears approximately 6-8 kg/bush); gives better crops than the ‘Black Diamond’.
- Partially cold-hardy, sustains temperatures down to -16°C, so it is not recommended to be grown in the field in Poland; thrives in warmer regions, e.g. in Serbia, and does not require a long period of cold.
- Protected variety.