Features of modern methods of reproduction
- Both maternal and reproductive material shall be free from all diseases and pests
- The propagated plants are a true copy of the mother plants
- The method allows new varieties to be marketed quickly
- Propagating material can withstand prolonged transport and quarantine well
- The price of in vitro propagated plants is acceptable to the market.

1. Mother plants
Plants with proven identity, free from diseases and pests, ready for propagation are stored in special, protected rooms or in cold stores.

2. Initiation of in vitro cultures
From the selected single female plants, about 20 cm of shoots are collected.

Side buds (inguinal) developing in sterile cultures.

3. Stabilization of sterile cultures
A tiny fragment, a vertex containing a meristem, is cut off from a shoot grown from a side bud and constitutes the actual beginning of cultures.

Side shoots – the most desirable and valuable shoots for micro propagation, cultures ready for mass propagation.

4. Mass reproduction in vitro
The growing and branching clumps of plants after reaching a few centimetres of height are divided again until the desired amount of plant material is reached.

After obtaining the assumed amount of plants in vitro, single plants are transferred to elongation medium, pre-rooting.
5. Elongation and preparation for in vitro conditions
After obtaining the assumed amount of plants in vitro, single plants are transferred to elongation medium, pre-rooting.

6. Acclimatisation and rooting in multilayer cultures
Plants taken out of the sterile nutrient solution are transferred to non-sterile conditions and planted into paper microdonicles, 360 plants in a cassette.

In vitro propagated plant multi-layer cultures.

Plants taken out of the sterile medium are transferred to non-sterile conditions and planted into paper microdonicles. 360 plants in the cassette

7. Adaptation to greenhouse conditions – “Hardening plants”.
Rooted plants are transferred to the greenhouse/ foil tunnels. Day temp. 22°C/night 17°C, light 12/24 h, RH-100% at the beginning, gradually lowered, light intensity < 30 klx.

8. Microsponses
After a period of 4-6 weeks, the plants reach a height of at least 5 cm. Micro-sets can be taken. They shall be treated in the same way as plant material obtained from in vitro propagation.

9. Sorting, transplanting into larger containers
Rooting and acclimatisation of mericlons and micro-sets are mechanically transplanted using transplanters from M-360 to M-90, M-84 and M-40 multidentifiers.

10. Adaptation and adaptation to external conditions
After transplanting, in spring and summer, the rooted blueberry seedlings are transferred to plastic tunnels or to the nursery and remain there until late autumn.

Plants in a pot p9-0.5 l. After transplanting, in spring and summer, the rooted blueberry cuttings are moved to plastic tunnels or to nurseries and remain there until late autumn.

Plants in a 1.5 litre pot. After transplanting, in spring and summer, the rooted blueberry cuttings are moved to plastic tunnels or to nurseries and remain there until late autumn.

Our products – a rooted plant in the M-90 multi-chain microdonick. Before delivery to the customer the condition of the plants is always checked and the plants are sprayed prophylactically.

11. Our products, sorting, packaging
Our products – a rooted plant in the M-360 multi-chain microdonick. Before delivery to the customer, the condition of the plants is always checked and the plants are sprayed prophylactically.

Our products – a rooted plant in the M-90 multi-chain microdonick. Before delivery to the customer the condition of the plants is always checked and the plants are sprayed prophylactically.

Our products – a rooted plant in the microdonice of the M-84 multi-donice. Before delivery to the customer the condition of the plants is always checked and the plants are sprayed prophylactically. The material for sale in spring.

Our products – a rooted plant plant pot P9, for sale in the autumn or after wintering in the spring of the following year. Before delivery to the customer the condition of the plants is always checked and the plants are sprayed prophylactically.

Our products – a rooted plant plant pot 1.5 l, for sale in the autumn or after wintering in the spring of the following year. Before delivery to the customer the condition of the plants is always checked and the plants are sprayed prophylactically.

Our products – a rooted plant plant pot 3 l, for sale in the autumn or after wintering in the spring of the following year. Before delivery to the customer the condition of the plants is always checked and the plants are sprayed prophylactically.

Our products – so that we can deliver in winter and early spring, the plants are stored in crates or frozen.

A fruitful plantation.