Haskap, a new berry discovery?
Yes and No!
1. History
- In Russia, haskap was mentioned for the very first time by Stepan Krasheninnikov in the book released in 1756. It was a book „Description of the Land of Kamchatka”. After 1957, in former labor camp Bakchar, Tomskaya Oblast, selection began (1964). Later selection was run in Barnaul (Altai), in Ural and in Leningrad (Sankt Petersburg). Until today there are over 100 varieties registered in Russia. Some of them are very well known and highly appreciated. Haskap, in Russia called „zhimolost” is being called national berry of Russia. Until today, Russian people harvest haskap from the nature in Chabarovski Krai, Primorski Krai, Vladovostok area and on Kamchatka. Nowadays, in Russia haskap has become popular and is highly demanded. Perestroika changed a lot in haskap world.
- In Japan, since 17th century haskap has been well known and valued in traditional medicine. In 1970s breeding and selection began on Hokkaido, based on local subspecies Lonicera kamtschatica ssp. emphyllocalyx.
- Canada – the leading breeding and selection program is being run by dr. Bob Bors at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. First four cultivars were registered in 1997, later many novelties appeared on the market as Bob Bors’s selections. Among them there are such bestsellers as Aurora, Honeybee and recently registered varieties like Boreal Beauty, Boreal Blizzard or Boreal Beast. The last three are protected by PBR in European Community.
Nowadays, the Canadian selections seem to play the most significant role in commercial haskap cultivation. They are very fertile, vigorous, disease and sunburn resistant. Some of them are suitable for mechanical harvest and have long shelflife.
US, selection has still been run by Dr. Maxine Thompson. Mrs. Maxine Thompson’s breeding program is focused on Japanese forms of Lonicera, on „genuine” haskap. Some varieties, which are the results of Dr. Thompson’s breeding program are already patented, however, their commercial meaning is not known.
2. Why haskap was not discovered earlier?
What happened in recent 20 years?
- In the Soviet Union time, the access to valuable Russian cultivars was very limited. The exchange of forms suitable for breeding was almost impossible.
- After late 1980s the western breeders could do more controlled hybridization, they could introduce a „new blood” to their crosses. New, commercially interesting cultivars appeared in the market.
- Due to the fast information exchange – thanks to internet – new contacts and information exchange became easier, cheaper, faster and available to everyone. It has a great influence on fast and successful marketing.
- Modern, fast, reliable and effective methods of propagation became available and became a routine in plant business. In vitro micropropagation, is a kind of ,,Cinderella” in the nursery business.
3. Is Haskap a superfood?
Yes, because of… its nature!
What is so valuable in these berries?
For hundred years haskap berries have been in use in traditional medicine and as food. Recent scientific investigation fully confirmed health benefits of haskap berries and products from these berries.

What are the virtues of haskap berries?
- haskap shows anti-inflammatory activity on cellular level;
- haskap postpones aging and helps to cure retinae function disorders – supporting eye health was the first use of haskap;
- haskap can reduce tumor volume in some oncological diseases;
- haskap helps to lower blood pressure, improves the brain functions;
- haskap is low in calories but high in valuable nutrients, nutritional value – 53 kcal/100 g of FW;
- haskap possesses anti-diabetic effect – helps to normalize the level of glucose and lipids in blood;
- haskap for gums, digestive tract and urinary tract infections – shows antibacterial and antiadhesion activity – against some species from such a genera like Shigella, Micrococcus, Campylobacter, Escherichia, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus or Bacillus;
- haskap berries – show positive effect against UVA and UVB radiation;
- haskap extracts inhibit melanogenesis (melanin synthesis) – can help to prevent melanoma development, haskap berries are extremely rich in antioxidants.
What are the virtues of haskap berries?
Haskap berries contain a lot of vitamin C
Haskap berries contain a lot of vitamin A
Phytochemicals are the organic metabolites of the plant which can positively influence human health.
Antioxidants, like anthocyanins and phenolic secondary metabolites are being recognized to be responsible for free radicals level control. Free radicals are responsible for some chronic diseases, the changes connected with aging and some cancers. There are many methods to measure the level of antioxidants in plant products, such as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), DPPH, TEAC and several others, they all refer to in vitro conditions. That’s why, not all scientists agree to confirm the direct correlation between in vitro results and in vivo observations.
Nevertheless, the ORAC value is frequently presented as the measure of plant products activity in terms of their antioxidating abilities.
TPC – The total phenolic content – the phenolic compounds are the contributors to the antioxidant activity of the plant products. TPC is being presented in milligrams of gallic acid equivalents (GAE).
TAC – The total anthocyanin content – presented as the content of cyanidin-3-glucoside equivalents in mg/100 g of FW.
The highest measured and published ORAC values of some chosen food products. Results are presented in µmol TE/100g of FW – TE is Trolox equivalent – Trolox – 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid.
4. Is haskap berry a good market commodity?
– Yes, it is!

- haskap is premium class food, fresh berry is tasty, resembles combination of raspberry, blackberry, black currant and blueberry tastes, people like it, especially children;
- novelties are always expected, especially tasty and valuable;
- fresh, frozen, freeze-dried, dried haskap berries – can be available all year, sale is easy;
- juices, jams, jellies, ice cream, yoghurts, muffins, cakes – more convenient forms for sale;
- haskap berries in all forms are attractive additives to porridge, granola – healthy breakfasts;
- wines, strong alcoholic distillates – only for adults. High sugar level (even over 20º Brix) and high content of tannins, excellent wines are already available;
- valuable titbit – something sweet but at the same time healthy for kids;
- food supplement, can be commercially offered by pharmacies and food shops;
- juice can be used for coloration of sweets and other food, burgundy red color is amazing, durable and… natural;
- and many more…
5. How to grow haskap? Is it easy or demanding in cultivation?
Growers shouldn’t worry, it is not difficult!
Growth requirements and some features:
1. tolerant in terms of soil, pH – 4–8, light or heavy, mineral or organic, permeable, not salty;
2. fully frost resistant, wood survives – 46⁰C;
3. due to very early ripening season – June in the Middle Europe – avoids problems with berry sunburn, most of pests and diseases;
4. so far, haskap has no serious disease and pests problems, can be cultivated in ecological way or with very limited use of pesticides;
5. haskap requires abundance of water during growth season, it is a must;
6. requires cross pollination – berries are better formed, bigger and then contain more seeds and sugar. Early blooming season – March-April – solitary bees and bumble bees work better than honey bees. Low temperatures and bad weather are better tolerated by wild pollinators, nevertheless, during warm, windless weather in blooming time honey bees are the best;
7. simultaneously blooming cultivars should be planted in neighboring rows, it makes cross pollination more effective.
8. Late frost resistant, open flowers survive – 8-10⁰C.
Commercial growing:
1. due to soil quality tolerance, haskap can be cultivated in poorer soils, it is not that demanding as blueberry;
2. berries get mature very early, do not compete in the market with any other berry, including blueberry, in spring, people are eager to have fresh fruit;
3. shelf life of properly picked berries of the best cultivars in lowered temperature can reach 2–4 weeks, minimum 7 days after chilling;
4. good yield: 2,5–9 kg per plant, depending on cultivar and spacing. Yield per hectare varies from 6–15 tons from at least 4 years old orchard;
5. can be harvested mechanically, by shaking or by air harvester or cheaper way by semi mechanical harvesters, hand harvest is expensive and efficiency is low;
6. very early harvesting season decreases the amount of pesticides used for chemical protection before harvest;
7. requires more than 1 000 hours of winter dormancy, orchards will not be planted in warmer areas with cheaper hand labor cost;
8. harvesting window can be stretched to 4 weeks by selection of early and late cultivars, growers should not forget about cross pollination and adequate cultivars selection;
9. being still a novelty in the market, haskap will need a lot of work, time and expenses to be well known, market life of the cultivars is unknown.
People look for healthy food and they eagerly pay better price for health supporting food products. Quality certification of the berries should be implemented in the orchards, it will improve access to the market and can markedly influence on the price of haskap berries.
Home gardens:
1. minimum 2 varieties should be planted (cross pollination), 4 matured plants in good garden conditions can give up to 30 kg of haskap;
2. haskap thrives in full sun and well ventilated place;
3. watering is essential in dryer months, especially during berry ripening;
4. can live and crop 25–35 years.
6. How haskap looks like?
It is long-living plant, can live even to 70 years in habitat, belongs to the family Caprifoliaceae. The genus Lonicera contains more than 180 species, among them there are almost 20 species, subspecies and varieties which have edible fruits and have been played significant role in breeding and selection. Taxonomy is ambiguous and depends on taxonomist. Cultivars important in commercial meaning are exclusively complex hybrids.

Plant – strong bush, can reach maximum height up to 3 m and similar width. Branches are flexible to stiff. Commercially important varieties are smaller, mature plants can reach 200 cm of height and 200 cm of width. Leaves are deciduous, pubescent when young, then glabrous, elliptic, or broadly elliptic, usually acute, arranged opposite, can reach more 10 cm.
Flowers are hermaphroditic, creamy yellowish, inconspicuous, require crosspollination, with two joined ovaries, being pollinated by insects. Gathered in inflorescences on 1 year old stems, berries ripen at least after 70 days after pollination.
Fruit – berries – round shaped to oval, sometimes very elongated, weight can exceed 5 grams, length to app 5 cm, skin is dark purple to almost black, often with almost white, waxy bloom. Firmness from very good to at least acceptable. Fully ripened berries get soft and shrink (sugar concentration grows). The best dessert cultivars are firm, tasty, and big, should be picked by hand. So far, mechanical, gentle way of harvest is not available. However, there are a few promising solutions.